"Good Conversation!" A Talk with James Howe
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James Howe

Join the author of "Bunnicula" as he talks about the inspiration behind his famous Dracula Bunny! He also talks about "The Misfits" and what it is like to be a writer.
- 20 minutes
- Highly Recommended Title at "Educational Media Marketplace"
Questions for classroom discussion and assignments:
- In his book "The Misfits," James Howe tells the story of students who are a little bit different from most of the others. Write about a time in your life when you felt like a “misfit.” If possible, have your teacher invite the school counselor into the classroom and discuss “not fitting into a mold.”
- Write an essay describing what it would feel like to be called names all day. Discuss what school would be like if people were constantly making fun of you.
- Do research on “No Name Calling Week.” Maybe it would be possible to start a “No Name Calling Week” at your school.
- Write an essay on why it’s okay to be different.