"Good Conversation!" A Talk with Eve Bunting
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Eve Bunting

Join author Eve Bunting in this program filmed at her home in Pasadena, California as she talks about "Smoky Night" and what it was like growing up as a young girl in Ireland.
- 20 minutes
Questions for classroom discussion and assignments:
- Eve Bunting uses newspapers to find some of her best story ideas. Select an article of interest in the newspaper — and then write a story about a person in the article.
- Eve Bunting says she has always been fascinated by gargoyles. Do research on gargoyles, draw a gargoyle, name it, and write a story about your gargoyle and what his or her life is like.
- Alternate: Can you name something you've read about (like gargoyles, a type of car, an animal or bird, butterflies, etc.) that fascinates you? Research it and write an essay on it.