"Good Conversation!" A Talk with Theodore Taylor
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Theodore Taylor

Theodore Taylor explains how he came to write the bestseller, "The Cay." He also talks about the start of his writing career, his modern classic "The Trouble with Tuck," and takes the viewer on a tour of his hometown, Laguna Beach, California.
- 20 minutes
Questions for classroom discussion and assignments:
- Theodore Taylor believes that luck has always been part of his life. He explains that when he finds a coin, he tapes it onto his typewriter for good luck. Discuss a time in your life when you experienced good luck.
- The author thinks that most good stories are based on true events. For example, The Cay is based on a Dutch ship that was torpedoed. Take a real event from the newspaper, or from your own lives, and use it as a basis for a fictional story.
- Some people believe that “you make your own luck.” What does this mean?