"Good Conversation!" A Talk with Todd Strasser
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Todd Strasser

This program takes you on an exciting trip to Westchester County, New York where you'll meet Todd Strasser, author of the popular "Help, I'm Trapped" series of books. He talks about his love of writing and gives tips to the aspiring novelist in all of us.
- 20 minutes
Questions for classroom discussion and assignments:
- Todd Strasser reads aloud a passage from Thief of Dreams. Choose a passage from a book you like. Read your passages to the class and explain why you chose that particular passage. Follow-up can be to write a short essay on why you chose that book and passage.
- Todd Strasser says that it is easier for him to write about activities that boys do, rather than those that girls do. Why is that?
- The boys in the class can brainstorm activities that boys do, and the girls can brainstorm activities girls do. Then both groups can see how many activities overlap.
- If you're a boy, write a short essay about something from the girl’s list and if you're a girl, write about something from the boy’s list.
- Literature can illustrate important lessons in life. When a writer tells a story he has a theme. Todd Strasser’s recurring theme is to try hard to be the best you can be. Discuss this theme, and then write about different themes from other books you have read.
- Todd Strasser has written a series of books called “Help I’m Trapped in…” Pretend you've switched into another body and have become someone else (it can be a friend, celebrity, just about anyone). Then, write about your experiences as this other person.