How to Purchase a Subscription

How to Purchase a Subscription to


  • When you purchase a subscription, it entitles all your students to unlimited access to from any location with Internet access. 
  • We will provide you with a Token/Link you can place on your website. By following this link, your students can automatically LogIn to without entering a Username or Password. 
  • Typically, only one subscription is needed per school building. If you need more than one, are unsure, or have questions about this, please contact Tim Podell before placing your order. More than one subscription can qualify you for discounts, so be sure to ask! More than one subscription requires multiple online accounts; this must be pre-arranged. 


Steps to Take:

  1. Sign-up for the FREE 2-Week Trial. We require everyone to do this. Although your students won't need to type in a Username, they will see it, so be sure to use a name that reflects your school/library/organization.
  2. Do you need more than one subscription? Contact Tim Podell for pricing, because you'll likely get a discount. If you're not sure, contact Tim and ask.
  3. Complete this Order Form, and send it to us along with any other needed payment or paperwork. 
  4. If at any time you need help, contact us. We're here to help  if you need us!
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